Celebrate Thomas Paine’s birth on January 29 (born 1737) with The Thomas Paine Memorial Association (TPMA), Freedom From Religion Foundation, Center for Inquiry/Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science (CFI/RDFR&S), Black Nonbelievers (BN), American Humanist Association (AHA), the Freethought Society (FS), and the Secular Coalition for America (SCA).
Congressman Jamie Raskin will greet us via video. Margaret Downey, president of TPMA, will welcome everyone to the event and introduce the special guest speaker, artist Steve Simon ( to talk about Paine’s life and accomplishments while sharing his artwork (see event logo). Following the Simon presentation, a video about the Thomas Paine Hotel located in Paine’s birthplace (Thetford, England), will be shown. The director and owner of the hotel, Gez Chetal will usher us through the hotel’s Paine-themed displays and educational exhibition.
After the two presentations, audience members will be able to ask questions of the artist and Paine experts Gary Berton (president of the Thomas Paine National Historical Association) and Frances Chiu (professor, TPMA board member, and author of The Routledge Guidebook on Paine’s Rights of Man). SCA’s communications manager Nnenna Onwukwe will host the Q and A portion of this event.
Representatives of the cosponsoring organizations will deliver closing messages. They are Robyn Blumner (CFI/RDFR&S), Annie Laurie Gaylor (FFRF), Fish Stark (AHA), Steven Emmert (SCA), Mandisa Thomas (BN), and Downey (FS).